Enciclopedia Italiana - III Appendice (1961)

FEININGER, Lyonel (App. II, 1, p. 912)

Pittore americano, morto a New York il 13 gennaio 1956.

Bibl.: Museum of Modern Art, L. F., New York 1944; necrologi: H. Hess, in Burlington Magazine, IIC (1956), p. 131; in Art News, LIV (1956), p. 7; in Werk, XLIII (1956), p. 68; cfr. anche Exhibition of 15 oils of 1949-50 at Bucholz Gall., in Art News, IL (1950), p. 44; W. Rubin, L. F., a profile, in Art Digest, XXVIII (1954), pp. 8 sgg.; A. Werner, L. F. and German romanticism, in Art in America, XLIV (1956), pp. 23-27; Memorial exh. at the Willard Gall. and Metropolitan Museum of art, ibid., pp. 56-57; Exhibition of watercolors painted between 1939-54 at Willard Gall., in Art News, LVII (1958), p. 13; L. F. memoria exh., in Cleveland Museum Bulletin, XLVII (1960), pp. 36-37.

© Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Riproduzione riservata


Metropolitan museum of art

Museum of modern art

New york